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Networking Security

Networking security appliances protect your business against cyber attacks.

Networking Security

CPAP-SG1535-SNBT - 1535 Base Appliance with SandBlast subscription package for 1...


Networking Security 

Buying a firewall for your business should be the first thing you do when you stand up an on-premise or colocated data center. Networking security appliances protect your business against cyber attacks.  

What you may not know is that network security devices are often viewed as the Swiss army knife of network security as a whole. Subscription services for your network security appliances ensure that every packet that traverses over the WAN into your LAN is subject to deep packet inspections. These subscriptions ensure that your firewall gets daily updates delivered to it so that it can protect your end users from the latest attacks.  

These sophisticated devices also allow you to connect branch offices using site-to-site or route based VPNs. If you are a business that uses cloud services, configuring a network security device to extend your data center infrastructure using Azure or AWS is absolute must.  

When you buy a network security device, you'll want to configure it in a manner that saves all of the logs onto server storage. This ensures that you'll be able to go back and review all of the connection attempts to and from your network.  

You can buy all the servers, blades and storage accessories in the world but if you do not have a good firewall that sits between your internal network and public internet, your devices could be susceptible to a plethora of vulnerabilities.  

Additionally, network security administrators can programmatically configure these devices to provide encrypted tunnels to your remote sites. Other network security devices provide software packages that allow remote users to access internet network resources via VPN. More advanced firewalls have two factor authentication methods built directly into the platform thus giving your organization a safe and industry compliant method of brokering access to internal IT resources from anywhere in the world.  

When you buy a network security device, you'll want to ensure that you get all the necessary support contracts from the vendor you choose. This ensures that you'll be able to get on-demand support from the vendor should you have any questions or concerns about the device.  

Content filtering is often a highly sought after feature for those who are in the market to buy a networking security device. Being able to restrict your end users from visiting non-business related websites during the workday can help increase employee productivity while simultaneously keeping your network safe from malicious attacks.